End of year purple hair: 2014 reflections
Waah gwaan! It’s New Year’s Eve and with that always comes a sense of reflection and a sense of newness, a refreshing feeling to be able to leave everything that’s weighing us down behind in 2014 and step anew into a new year. No, there’s no magical thing that’s going to happen when the clock strikes midnight tonight but most of us have reflected on what went wrong this year and have started to at least set goals for what we want and decided what we’re changing to make the new year better.
Same for me. 2014 was a challenging year to boot. I feel like 2012 brought so much clarity and change to my life that I hadn’t totally honed in on an exact direction, I just knew I needed change, I had made some changes and taken some steps but I was still floating in a den of uncertainty as to how to go about achieving exactly what I wanted.
In 2013 I couldn’t quite bring myself to be the successful social media marketer that I wanted to be, in the environment that I was in and so although I loved the people I was working with, something didn’t quite click and I decided to make a change. At the same time that I decided to make that change, a new opportunity fell into my lap and I figured it must have been a sign and went with it. So 2014 saw me starting the year excited about the new challenge.
But that new challenge wasn’t my path either. I had left my last happy place on a quest to find myself as a blogger and content manager and the new opportunity, though enhancing my skill set, wasn’t it. And it was also a toxic environment that I had no business being in and so again, I walked away.
I have never been one afraid to walk away from something that I felt wasn’t serving my needs. Well…except when it came to toxic men but that’s a different topic for a different day. I was certain that a new challenge would present itself and in the mean time I had great plans for my blog to hold me over.
In 2013 I also came to the realization that my past personal issues which led to me venting all of my business online needed to stop and I had successfully kicked the habit of being a chronic oversharer on social media last year but with that came the subtle balance necessary to run a blog.
You see, it is necessary to connect with your readers one way or another to keep them coming back and I know my candid moments and tidbits about my life and what makes me tick were a part of what made this blog so successful. Now that I had taken away much of that, blogging felt blah to me and I wasn’t connecting how I used to.
It’s a thin line to walk and I had to take a step back and learn the balance all over again. So here I am again opening up a little bit about me, hoping to revitalize the blog and get acquainted with all my readers again who somehow have stuck around (I appreciate you all so much.) Now I know what to share and what to hold sacred whether online or with friends and it’s a balance that’s been working beautifully for me this year so far.
When I left my job this past April, I had one project lined up that was supposed to be my lifeline until whatever new opportunities that I was hunting came through. That project went nowhere near as planned and left me with one of the most difficult summers I have faced with my family. Even the crutch that I thought would always be there for me left me high and dry late summer and I sunk even further. But I weathered the storm like any strong woman, any strong mother would do knowing that it can only go up from there, I just needed a new plan. I learned all the lessons that came along with the challenges and rolled with the punches and the exact opportunity I had been visualising in my head came to life.
In the few short months between then and now I have managed to come out of the hole better than I begun and with even more opportunities to choose from. *wipes sweat from brow* whew! It was a challenging year for sure but I am grateful for every lesson and the reminder to always count on myself and myself alone and always be prepared.
2015 is the year of doing more. I have to do more. I have to kick all the excuses. Yes, I can get up out the bed earlier and exercise. Yes, I can blog every, single, day. Yes, I can make healthy meals each week. Yes, I can become and organized person. Yes, I can read more. Yes, I can create the memories, lifestyle, opportunities for my child that I want for her. Yes, I can find love. The type of love that I envision. Yes.
It’s an ongoing challenge. It’s a lifestyle of doing more, being more, attracting more. The change comes from within, I know what I want and I know how to get it. All that’s left now is to actually…do.
Let’s get out there and do the work! We’re starting with the #Irie7DayMealPlan on January 5th. Are you down for the journey? We’re gonna get to know each other all over again in 2015.
Happy New Year my Irie friends! Here’s to love and abundance in 2015.
Some images from Depositphotos. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Wishing you success and happiness for 2015 Ms. Diva!
Be sure to work every opportunity that comes along and Much Luv and Happiness in 2015!!