How to Create a Manifesting Ritual: A Complete Guide
Ever wondered how to create a manifesting ritual? You don’t necessarily need a ritual to manifest your dreams but they’re fun and can really help you to get into alignment and focus on your manifestation, so it comes quicker.
With the law of attraction, when you set your mind to something that you want and try to attract it into your life, that is known as manifesting. Manifestation is the verb of the law of attraction, it’s the purposeful action of getting what you want out of life.
You can manifest anything, from wealth and status, more or better friends, finding true love, traveling, buying a new car or house, losing weight, getting healthy and so many other things.
The law of attraction teaches us that nothing is beyond limits. Nothing. Anything you can envision in your mind, you can make a reality. The first thing you have to do is choose what you want. Once you do that, you ask the universe for what you want, then visualize it, and take action when necessary.
I find that all of this is much easier to do when you can create a manifesting ritual. The ritual is going to help you align your thoughts and feelings with what you are trying to manifest, and turn it into a daily habit to increase your chances of manifesting more quickly and easily.

In this post you'll find:
Why You Need a Manifesting Ritual
Creating a ritual or routine around how you manifest allows you to visualize it more on a regular basis, and really focus on what you truly want. Sometimes, when we first learn about the law of attraction, what we think is very arbitrary and not at all detailed.
But the more you look into yourself and work on self-reflection, the more you are able to figure out what you actually want out of life. What would make you truly happy at this moment or in the future? This is what the manifesting ritual is going to help with, among many other benefits.
Here are three specific reasons I think you need a manifestation ritual:
1. A Manifestation Ritual Raises Your Vibrations
If you want to be on the frequency where you are able to attract what you want into your life, you need to raise your vibrations. Everything in the universe is made up of energy, including yourself, people around you, your house, your pets, your furniture, and everything you can think of, or see with your eyes.
It is all energy.
You want to have high vibrations and raise your frequency to get on the right energy for manifesting and asking the universe for what you truly desire. Creating a manifesting ritual is a great way to do this.
Not sure if you generally have high or low vibrations? Here are some signs of low vibrational energy:
- You are in a bad mood and don’t know why.
- You feel overly negative or pessimistic.
- You feel lost and not sure of your life’s direction.
- You have negative feelings towards most people or things.
- You find yourself stressed, depressed, or anxious most of the time.
On the other hand, when you have high vibrations, you feel this sense of calm and peace. You are positive, optimistic, and just happy in general. Little issues don’t bother you as much and you have that overwhelming feeling of joy most of the time.
Related: How to Cultivate Mental Strength
2. You Can Focus on What You Want
It is really easy to get caught up in your daily routines, stress about work, and become busy with your personal life, that your desires get pushed aside. To prevent this from happening, focus on what you want with just one short manifesting ritual that you do on a regular basis.
If you are having a bad day, a manifestation ritual will help you to re-focus your energy for at least a few minutes, on what you are trying to manifest. You might even find that it is therapeutic and puts you back into a positive mindset. If you do it before bed, there is even more potential for releasing your day and elevating your mindset.
3. It Shows You What Actions to Take
When you have more of a routine with your manifestations, instead of just asking once and not thinking about it again, you can also discover some actions that might help you get closer to what you are trying to manifest.
Remember that manifesting things into your life isn’t magic. You are raising your vibrations, asking the universe for what you want, paying attention to signs, and taking action! With the ritual, it is much easier to see which actions are going to be best for you.
Trust me on this. I can’t tell you how many times it’s the moment I sit to go through a manifesting ritual of mine that a bright idea jumps into my mind and I’m like wow, I didn’t even get to finish my ritual. It’s amazing.
Read: Best Crystals for Manifestation
7 Manifestation Rituals to Choose From
There are quite a few types of manifestation rituals. I’ve listed seven of the most popular ones here to get you started. You don’t have to do them all. However, some methods tend to work better for some people than others so I do suggest giving them all a go to decide which you like best.
For example, if you hate writing, then scripting or doing the 55×5 method every day is definitely not going to be a good choice for you. Once it feels like a chore, it lowers your vibration, and is no longer effective. On the other hand, if you aren’t a fan of vision boards and prefer doing your visualization through text, then scripting or journaling is going to work wonders for you.
Here are some different manifestation methods to consider adding to your new law of attraction ritual:
1. Scripting and Journaling
This is a really popular method of manifestation, and perhaps my favorite, where you are going to write what you want, but in the present tense – as if it has already happened. This is also known as scripting.
When you script, you first think of what you are trying to manifest, then do some visualization to tap into how you would feel and what your life would be once it became a reality. With that in mind, write in your journal as if you are living that dream life now.
As an example, if you are trying to lose 20 lbs, instead of writing in your journal “I want to lose 20 lbs” or “I will lose 20 lbs”, you would write something like “I am so grateful I lost 20 lbs”, then proceed to add details about how you feel, what has changed, and anything that you think will be different when you lose the weight.
Scripting helps a lot with visualization and tapping into your subconscious to convince you that you are fully capable of anything you want to manifest. It also raises your vibration in a big way.

2. Expressing Gratitude
In the law of attraction, one of the main components is not to think about what you don’t have yet, as that puts your focus on lack. If you want to focus on abundance, this requires first being grateful for what you already have. It doesn’t matter what your life is like right now; you have things or people to be grateful for every single day.
Make it a habit to write at least 5 things you are grateful for every day, in the beginning of your manifesting ritual. It is best to do this first before anything else, since it puts you into the mindset of being grateful for what you currently have before thinking about what else you want to manifest into your life.
Keep a small gratitude journal by your bed and as soon as you wake in the morning, before you reach for your phone and your notifications has a chance to sully your day, write your 5 things. Really take the time to feel grateful for them. Think about how much better they make your life and get into the feeling of gratitude as deeply as you can.
3. Meditating
You can also add a short meditation exercise to your daily manifesting ritual, which helps you to work on visualizing what you want, letting go of your limiting beliefs, releasing stress that might get in the way of manifesting, and tapping into your subconscious mind. What you think about is coming from your conscious mind, but it is your subconscious mind where the magic of law of attraction really comes into play.
If you are new to meditating, it is going to take some time to enter that place of letting all your current thoughts and worries go. Don’t be concerned about that yet, and instead just focus on your breathing for a few minutes every day, in the beginning or end of your manifesting ritual.
Try a meditation app to get you started. One of my favorites is the Insight Timer and I know many people swear by the Calm app as well. These apps have free guided meditations to get you started.
4. Visualization
The universe can’t read your mind and doesn’t understand the difference between a dream you had, and what you actually experienced. This is exactly why visualization works so well and is another of my favorites.
When you visualize correctly, you are not just thinking about what you want, but you put yourself into that place where you have achieved your desires. This helps you to feel what you would feel if it were happening right now, which can then ignite your subconscious.
Your feelings are much more powerful than your thoughts and your actions. As this happens more and more, the universe begins to get the right signals, helping you to attract what you want the most.
Have fun while manifesting! Take my 21-Day Law of Attraction Manifestation Challenge: #ManifestWithMo and manifest something you desire in three weeks! I’ve lovingly put together this challenge for you using the tools that work for me time and time again. Check it out here!

5. Making a Vision Board
Let’s get back to basics – vision boards. This is probably one of the first ways people learned about the law of attraction. A vision board is a collection of images and words that represent what you want to manifest into your life.
Vision boards are generally made from magazine clippings of images and phrases that help show what you are trying to attract. In our modern society, you can definitely make digital forms with Pinterest, Canva and other image collage apps if you prefer. Looking at it each day during your manifesting ritual keeps it in front of your mind and helps with visualization.
6. 55×5 Method
If you are looking for another way to manifest what you want, you can try the 55×5 method. It’s not for everyone, but it does help a lot with holding onto your visualizations as you write. It helps you to keep coming back to what you are trying to focus on, every time you write the same affirmation on the page.
I’ve done this ritual a few times when I needed to be laser-focused on manifesting a particular thing. To do this ritual, you write one short, very specific sentence in the present tense, 55 times in one session, 5 days in a row. Something like “I really enjoy living in my new apartment on Thomas Street” or “I’m so grateful that I am now 134lbs and in amazing health.”
You want your sentence to be short since you’re writing it for 55 times in one go. It can be painful, your hands are hurting, but generally, I find that because I am so focused on the saying that ideas fly to me to make my manifestation come through.
7. Mirror Work
Lastly, you can try mirror work, which is when you take affirmations you have been writing, and you say it out loud to yourself, while looking in the mirror. It might seem silly at first, but it can be really powerful.
To do mirror work, take some affirmations that express what you are trying to manifest or change in your life, bring them to a mirror in your house, and say them out loud to yourself at your own reflection.
Try each one about 3-5 times before moving on to the next. You can do this during every manifestation routine, or just when you feel like you need a reminder.
Related: What is the Law of Attraction?

How to Create a Manifesting Ritual
Once you have decided on the methods you want to use for your manifestation ritual, the first step is to set your intentions. These are not tasks or to-do lists like when you’re working to achieve another type of goal. Intentions related to your manifestations are written clearly and details your desires or what it is you are trying to manifest into your life.
Let’s get into the steps to create a manifesting ritual:
1. Decide on Your Intention
Before you can write out your intentions, you need to know what it is you are trying to manifest. You can manifest more than one thing in your life at once, but start with just one thing when it comes to your ritual. This allows you to narrow your focus and not become overwhelmed.
What do you want to manifest?
For some people, choosing just one thing to focus on can be the hardest thing of all. Maybe you have been living with a lot of lack in your life, or you don’t have a lot of faith in your potential because of where your life is now.
It is time to put all those worries aside, and focus just on what you want. Who do you want to be? What do you want more of in your life? What are you lacking? What would make you happier and joyful? What would bring you peace?
Ask yourself these questions, write down words or phrases about anything that comes to mind, then see what comes up more than once. Maybe for you it’s a relationship, more friends, a promotion at your job, abundance in wealth or love, or improving your health.
It can be helpful to start small then move on once your desire is manifested. Manifestation is like a muscle, your belief gets stronger with each one that comes into your life. And you’ll need to believe your manifestation can come through if you really want it to present itself into your life.

2. Write Your Intentions
Once you know what you are trying to manifest, you are able to write it out as intentions. Remember that intentions are going to be written out in present tense, just like scripting. It helps you to live “as if”, where you are imagining that you are already living that life.
Intentions during a manifesting ritual in the morning are going to become your to-do list of sorts for the day. Whatever you intend to do, think, or feel for that day that are aligned with your manifestation is what you write down.
You might also have some intentions related to actions you have to take, and others related to how you want to feel. If you are working on developing new friendships as your manifestation, think of something in your mindset that is keeping you from meeting new people, then reverse it.
For you, this might mean intentions like “I am filled with courage and confidence” or “I will go out of my comfort zone today”.
3. Choose the Frequency and Details of the Ritual
Now let’s get down to the details of your new manifesting ritual. How often do you want to do it? What will be involved? Is it going to be different every day? While it is great to keep an open mind and be flexible with your ritual, it is also helpful to have a few guidelines in place in the beginning. This is how you can develop a habit, to where you don’t even have to think about it – the ritual becomes automatic and something you look forward to on a daily basis.
How Often Should You Participate in the Ritual?
The first thing to keep in mind is that you don’t have to commit to daily rituals for manifesting. While many people do benefit from turning it into a daily habit, this is really something you will have to decide for yourself.
Here are some questions to ask yourself when determining if daily manifestation rituals will work best for you:
- Are you trying to manifest something that requires daily action?
- Is your stress getting in the way of manifesting what you want?
- Do thrive on routines or prefer to keep things less strict?
- When do you have the extra time to dedicate to this routine?
Some Rituals Are Weekly, Monthly, or with the Moon Cycles
The next thing to ask yourself is what type of manifesting ritual you are planning on participating in. If it just a nightly routine where you focus on what you are trying to manifest, daily is what you are going for. But if you want to work with the different moon cycles or focus on weekly intentions, then your ritual is probably going to happen less often.
Write Down the Details of Your Ritual
After you have decided on the frequency, you can then work out any other details to include. Here are some things to write down:
- What manifestations methods you want to include.
- When and where you will work on this routine.
- How much time you are dedicating to it.
- What order you will perform different tasks for your manifestations.
Related: Law of Attraction FAQs
4. Create a Routine Out of Habits
For the final step of creating a manifesting ritual, you want to start daily habits and have enough reminders before it becomes a routine. Your little habits you do every day are what turn your life into a routine. You currently have daily routines without even realizing it – maybe you always brush your teeth when you wake up, your workout is always after work, or you like to read a chapter from your book before bed.
These are daily routines that started as habits, and because you kept doing them at a certain time each day, they soon become so commonplace, you no longer need reminders.
With your manifesting ritual, it will just take a few steps before you get to that point. Here are some tips for creating a routine from this ritual.
Use a Habit Tracker or To-Do List
Until this turns into a habit you don’t have to think much about, it really helps to have a to-do list or habit tracker. This allows you to write down the manifestation ritual as one of the tasks to get done each day, and each time you check it off or color the box in your habit tracker, it is more ingrained in your mind as a new habit to keep up with.
Habit Tracker VS a To-Do List
The main difference between these two is that you will have the same habit tracker for each week or month, while to-do lists change per day. With the habit tracker, you have a list of all the different daily habits you want to incorporate into your life, with your manifestation ritual being one of them. You will then color in the box for the day for each habit you completed on that day.
With a to-do list, you will probably have a new list each day of things to do that day, with your ritual or routine being one of them.
Both of these can be created in a bullet journal, which is an excellent tool to use to help you get started with your manifestation ritual.
Set Reminders on Your Phone or Other Device
Are you someone who tends to forget everything you need to get done? Written to-do lists might not be the best option for you unless you already have the habit of checking your written list multiple times per day.
In this case, consider going digital by having a digital to-do list, calendar, or even reminders that come up once a day shortly before it’s time for your manifestation ritual.
These can pop up to remind you at increments during the day when it is time for your manifestation routine, and maybe even what is to be included that day.
Consider Starting Slowly
If you are changing a lot of different things at once, such as going from just laying down at night, to sitting down at your desk, writing in a journal, meditating, and other manifesting tasks, then you might want to start with just one or two things at a time.
Otherwise, you can get overwhelmed with all the changes, and stop trying altogether. Decide which ritual spoke to you the most, and start there, layering as you feel comfortable doing so.
I hope these tips help you to cultivate a manifesting ritual that brings you your desires much in the way they have done for me. Please share this with a friend, manifesting can be so much fun when done with your buddy.
More law of attraction reading:
- What is Manifesting
- The Difference Between Manifesting and the Law of Attraction
- Law of Attraction FAQs
- How to Use the 5×55 Manifesting Ritual
- How to Manifest Something in a Week
- How to Create a Manifesting Ritual
- 28 Day Gratitude Challenge
- 30-Day Happiness Challenge
- How to Recognize Signs from the Universe
- Visualization Exercises for Manifestation
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I have ADD and have trouble visualizing anything. My brain won’t slow down long enough to allow me to get into the place where that is possible. Do you have suggestions for people who are severely ADD and still have trouble with focus even with medication.